How Do I Know If My Ford Has A Remote Start?

As someone who loves the convenience of modern car features, I often find myself appreciating the small things that make my daily commute a little easier. One such feature is the remote start, a godsend on those chilly mornings or sweltering summer days.

If you’re a Ford owner like me, you might be wondering whether your vehicle comes equipped with this nifty feature. Let’s dive in and find out how you can tell if your Ford is remote start-ready.

How Do I Know If My Ford Has A Remote Start

What is Remote Start and How Does It Work?

Remote start is essentially a system that allows you to start your vehicle’s engine from a distance using a key fob. This feature is particularly handy for warming up or cooling down your car before you get in. It’s like having a personal assistant who gets your car ready while you’re still finishing up your coffee. Ford has been incorporating this feature into many of their models over the past few years, making it a common find in modern Ford vehicles.

The Benefits of Having Remote Start

Imagine stepping into a comfortably warmed or cooled car, depending on the weather, without having to brave the elements first. That’s the primary allure of remote start. Plus, it adds a layer of security by allowing the engine to run while keeping the vehicle locked.

Visual Inspection of Your Ford

Key Fob: The First Indicator

The quickest way to tell if your Ford has a remote start is to look at your key fob. If there’s a button with an arrow making a circular motion (kind of like a recycle symbol), that’s your remote start button. Also, some Ford key fobs have a specific LED indicator for remote start functionality.

Checking Vehicle Documentation

The Owner’s Manual: A Treasure Trove of Information

Your Ford’s owner’s manual is your go-to resource for any questions about your vehicle’s features. If you’ve got remote start, it’ll definitely be mentioned in there. Look for sections that talk about the car’s features or the key fob’s functionality. Remember, the availability of remote start often depends on the model and year of your Ford, so keep those details handy.

Technical Signs and Signals

Testing for Remote Start

You can also check for remote start by conducting a simple test. Press the lock button on your key fob and then hold down the remote start button. If your car starts, voila! You’ve got it. Listen for the engine and watch for the lights – these are telltale signs that your Ford is equipped with remote start.

Consulting with Professionals

When in Doubt, Ask the Experts

If you’re still unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local Ford dealership or a trusted automotive technician. They can quickly tell you if your vehicle has a remote start system. Sometimes, they might use your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) to pull up detailed information about your car’s features.

Exploring Aftermarket Options

Is It an Aftermarket System?

If your Ford doesn’t have a factory-installed remote start, it might have an aftermarket system. These can be a bit trickier to identify, as they often have different key fobs and may not be integrated into the car’s original systems as seamlessly. If you suspect your Ford has an aftermarket remote start, it’s best to have it checked by a professional to ensure it’s properly installed and compatible with your vehicle.


Figuring out if your Ford has a remote start doesn’t have to be a puzzle. With a bit of detective work – inspecting your key fob, consulting your owner’s manual, or doing a quick test – you can easily determine if your vehicle has this convenient feature. And if it doesn’t, there’s always the option to explore aftermarket solutions. So go ahead, make the most out of your Ford’s capabilities, and enjoy the added comfort and convenience a remote start system can offer!

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